Resort Rules
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- Occupancy Based Resort Fee
- Owner Key Release Policy
- Condo Units Info
- Owner Association Rules
- Resort Rules
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- RCI Partnership
- VacationGuard
- Ownership Contact Info
- Massanutten Contact Info
- Mountainside Villas®
- Official Rules
Smoking Policy: All of our accommodations are smoke free. Smoking is strictly prohibited. A $250 fee will be charged those who violate this policy. Smoking is allowed on the patio. You must close patio door when smoking outside. Please properly dispose of your cigarettes and cigars.
Quiet Times: Noise audible outside of a Unit is prohibited from 11:00 pm until 7:00 am. No occupant shall disturb or permit to be disturbed any other occupant’s quiet enjoyment of a Unit. Nor may an occupant interfere with the rights, comfort, or convenience of any other Owner or Guest.
Causing Harm to Others: No occupant can take actions that cause or are intended to cause harm or offense to other guests (including noise, gestures, statements, smells, physical contact or threats).
Right of Way: The common elements, including without limitation, the common areas, roads and walkways in the unit shall not be obstructed nor shall any occupant interfere with the right of any other person to use the unit. No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages, or similar vehicles, or toys or other personal articles shall be allowed to stand or remain in any common element.
Service Animals: "Service Animals” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are accommodated at the Resort. ADA service animals are dogs or miniature horses that are “individually trained to do work or perform a task for a person with a disability.” Service animals are working animals, not pets. “The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.” - Service animals may be identified at check-in. Questions regarding service animals, pets, and boarding options may be directed to 540.289.4904 option 2. If you are not sure if you have a service animal, please call this number prior to your visit.
Emotional Support Animals: Animals whose sole function is to provide emotional support or comfort do not qualify as “Service Animals” under the ADA and are not permitted (unless approved under our “Pet Policy” described in these Rules). Questions regarding service animals, pets and boarding options may be directed to 540.289.4904 option 2.
- Pet Policy: Under the Resort “Pet Policy”, you must obtain approval in advance to bring your dog to a designated dog-friendly condo unit. No other animals are allowed. No dog shall be allowed in lodging accommodations unless approved prior to check-in. The Pet Policy is linked here and you can request approval here. A nonrefundable charge of up to $500 per day may be assessed by the Association to clean, repair, treat (for fleas or other pests), and restore a unit and common areas if a non-approved pet is identified in any unit or in the Resort.
Illegal Substances: No drugs or controlled substances may be possessed within the unit or Resort without a doctor’s prescription.
Public Intoxication: Public intoxication by alcohol or other controlled substance is strictly prohibited.
Weapons: No weapons of any kind are authorized in common areas or public facilities on Resort Property. Occupants in possession of a weapon for hunting must have a current hunting license and a nearby property owner’s permission to hunt. Weapons intended for hunting must be registered with Resort Security.
Flammable Substances: No occupant shall use or permit in a Unit any inflammable oils or fluids such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, or benzene, or other explosives or articles deemed extra hazardous to life, limb, or property.
Damage to Property: No damage to a Unit, common area, or other real or personal property of Association, Managing Agent, Developer, or related entities (“Resort Properties”) shall be caused by any act or omission of an occupant. All costs of restoring a Unit, Common Area or Resort Property to its condition prior to occupancy or use, including all cleaning beyond normal wear and tear, repair or replacement of property, painting, disinfection, fumigation or other sanitizing shall be charged to and paid by the Owner responsible for the damage.
Unit Décor: No Unit or other improvement within the unit shall be decorated by an occupant.
Unit Defacement: No occupant is allowed to put his name on the Unit or in any way deface the same.
Water Usage: Water shall not be left running for any unreasonable or unnecessary length of time. Electricity shall not be wasted. Ovens and stoves may not be left on and unattended.
Parking: No occupant may use any parking space or area in an unauthorized manner. Assigned parking shall be respected in every respect.
Drone Policy: Massanutten Resort® prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by anyone - including recreational users and hobbyists - without the prior written authorization from the Resort. This prohibition includes drones used for photographing, filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within Massanutten Resort® boundaries. This prohibition on drone operations or use extends to any drones launched or operated from Resort property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Click here to read our full drone policy.
Massanutten Gold Card Owners: You must show your current Gold Card photo ID card to receive discounts and to access the Woodstone Recreation Center and Massanutten Fitness & Rec Club areas. Gold Card Holders who have not had a photo ID card made in five or more years should stop by the ID Center at the Market at Massanutten Station, for a new card. View ID Center hours here. By requiring Gold Card Owners to have and to show ID, Massanutten protects the investment you have in your vacation experience.
If you have not received or have misplaced your permanent Gold Card photo ID, the red temporary ID(s) given at check-in are valid for 48 hours only.
Persons Visiting Through RCI: (including visiting/renting Massanutten Owners) will automatically receive a recreation pass allowing access to our private Resort-owned pools and recreation areas.
Mountainside Owners: Please go to the Mountainside Welcome Center for your photo ID. Hours vary by season.
Resort Guests & All Non-Gold Card Owners: If you are not a Gold Card Owner and would like to know more about our resort and how you can qualify for Gold Card discounts, please call resort extension 65112 or 540.289.4006.
No occupant may violate any local, state or federal law, ordinance, regulation, statute, rule, or other restriction or requirement.
Resort and its staff reserve the right to enter your room for any purposes including, but not limited to, performing maintenance and repairs or checking on the safety and security of guests and property. When not time-sensitive, resort staff will endeavor to provide advance notice.
Signs: All signs within the Resort, including its amenities such as gyms, pools, ski slopes and adventure attractions that require or restrict any activity have the full force of these Rules, and their violation constitutes a violation of these Rules.
Notices: All notices, rules, codes of conduct, and terms of use published in Massanutten Resort® documents (such as check-in documents and/or within individual amenities or activities) that require or restrict any activity have the full force of these Rules, and their violation constitutes a violation of these Rules.
No Soliciting, Flyers, Pamphlets or Other Advertising: You are prohibited from attempting to sell or market goods or services including time-share estates and tickets to amenities within Massanutten Resort®. All soliciting, door to door sales, flyers and pamphlets are strictly prohibited.
All rules of Massanutten Resort® , now in effect or as amended from time to time, are incorporated hereby by reference. The violation of any rule of Massanutten Resort® shall be deemed a violation hereof.
For hours of operations, please visit our hours webpage here.