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New Process For Owner Ticket Access

Owner Key Release Policy

As an owner, you have the option to allow friends or family to use your reservation. In order to allow a guest to check in to your reservation, you will submit a key release form, which is written authorization allowing your guest to check in.  Download the form here. -OR- Contact the Reservations team to obtain a key release form. Please return this form at least 48 hours prior to your arrival to ensure the document is processed prior to your arrival.

  • Owners will receive (1) free key release per calendar year, per contract (account).  For a second key release received in that same year, the cost will be $20.00. For any additional key releases received in that same year, the cost will be $50.00 per key release.
  • A calendar year is defined as January 1 – December 31.
  • For payment of any key release fee, contact to your Reservations team.

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